Hi! Hi! its 21st April its Kartini's day!
we celebrate today by wearing Batik go to Mall๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
(untuk mendapatkan discount makan wkwk)

so, we decide to eating our lunch @ Fish & co
cause they have promo if u wears batik on this day u can get disc promo for platter 50%!!!
(our. favourite. food. oh. why. so. expensive. food)

the promo is buy 1 main course get disc 50% for platter
@idr 179K (before get discount)

and we choose chicken pasta for main course @89K

our outfit itself

not really interest about taking pic because we are too hungry to death
*nemenye juga Mahasiswa ken, mau makan enak kudu laper bgt biar ga rugi* *mental gembel*

rakus :(

dan setelah dihitunghitung kami habis
platter for 1 @idr 179K (before disc)
chicken pasta @idr 89K
ice lemon tea @idr 28K
daaann total kita habis @idr 252K

hixx tetep aja mahal jatuhnya shay๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
why. tax. why.
kenapa. tanggal. muda. so. far. away.๐Ÿ˜ญ