we just came to the event called Indonesian Business Carnival held by Faculty of Economics UII
@ Pelataran Parkir D1 JEC
on 19, 20, 21 May 2017
(one more days! lets visit!)

sebenernya kita kesini untuk support our friends brand sih. called Good Attitude
Bad Neighbourhood 
jadiii mereka menjual some clothes and books dengan mengangkat tema yang terjadi di seputaran kita. tentang penataan kota gitu (?) i think loh yaaa hahaha klo salah mohon di ralat wkwk
jadi mereka kek project-an anak2 arsitek gitu

don't be sad shaaayy
there is much food tenants too! :)

ada live music juga!

if u ask me where am i
find me in the corner.